THAT'S THE QUESTION I keep asking myself. The
World Cup is in full swing and it is being held here in France. Even Kerri watched the last half of France's big upset win last night over the
All Blacks of New Zealand. The country is 'rugby crazy' and it's a bit hard to ignore -- so we're kind of joining in from time to time. The photo at the left is of
Sabastien Chabal, the iconic hero of the French national team. Don't ask me what position he plays because I don't have a clue?
As I write,the Argentina-Scotland match is playing on the television. But to be honest, I'm going to be paying more attention to my computer as I 'watch' the Redskins host the Lions on the
internet. If history is any guide, the Skins should win by a lot -- they always seem to crush Detroit. I'll go on a limb and say Washington by at least two touchdowns. (Did I just jinx it?)
Hi, I found you through Penny at soup de jour.
I will explore your blog more but in the meantime can I ask you a question:
How did you get the tabs at the top of your blog?
I would like a tab that takes people to my etsy shop.
Racheal x
The Redskins won by 31. And you said only 2 touchdowns.
miles away...I got them through the template that I am using. If you got to the bottom of the blog and click 'blog crowds' you can view the html of the template and probably copy and past something into your blog. Give it a try.
Be careful; if you watch too much rugby you might start to like it!
How could you only pick the Redskins to win by two touchdowns. I'm glad you didn't jinx it though. Good call.
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