04 April 2009


A FEW PHOTOS from the Hamlet production at the CIV (my school) last week. It was, in a word, incredible. I found myself asking this question: do I know many high schools in the United States that could put on a full-scale Shakespeare play? I mean, these are 16-18 year olds learning hundreds (thousands?) of old-english lines. Patrick and Julia came with me and they loved it -- Julia particularly liked the dresses and Patrick liked the sword fights.


Claudius and Laertes plotting
The Kind and Queen: Claudius and Gertrude

Poor Ophelia...she's losing it

Laertes grieves for his sister, Ophelia

Hamlet (right) and Laertes fight

Fortinbras of Norway comes in to claim the crown
I've got to get a photo up of Polonius when I get one. His was my favorite costume.

1 comment :

jim said...

Good to hear the play was a great success. When I see the costumes, all I think of is Henry in his knight costume and that silly face mask!!! He was hilarious!
