26 May 2008

Weekend Car Rally

GEARHEADS WE'RE NOT! In fact, I know so little about cars that sometimes I'm a little self conscious about it. But that doesn't mean our family doesn't like to visit the occasional car show -- especially when it's in the main place of our village. Last weekend our little village held a historic car rally, complete with everything from old rally cars to new Ferrari's. But what made this all the more fun for the kids is that the car owners were offering rides: 5 Euros (which went to an Alzheimer's organization) bought you a 10 minute ride -- super loud engine and all. Patrick and Julia got to ride in a early 1970s Renault Alpine and Henry got to ride in...well, you'll have to see the video. It doesn't capture the sounds very well, but you can see the sites of our little car rally.


1 comment :

jim said...

As soon as I saw the old car I knew that Henry was going to be in that one! I could totally see he and Macy cruisin' together in that one!!!