THE FEBRUARY BREAK starts today -- two weeks off so that the entire country can go skiing. Schools in the South of France will be closed until Feb. 25.
It just so happens that the topic of this half-term break got me into a bit of trouble with the head of the school where I teach. I ran into him in the Salle du Prof and tried my best to engage in some chit-chat. I asked simple questions like: how are you? are you looking forward to the break? what are your plans for the vacation? etc. However, I mistakenly 'tu-toied' him. In other words, I spoke to him using the 'tu' and 'toi' form of 'you' instead of the more formal and polite 'vous' and 'votre'. This, I have learned, is a big deal, especially when it comes to teachers talking to administrators! After our conversation, he very politely pulled me aside and made me aware of my error. I apoligized and blamed my poor French skills and he was quite forgiving.
Jeez. A bit sensitive, perhaps? But I told some of my colleagues about my faux pas and they laughed and told me I had committed a grave sin in the eyes of French school administrators. They also tole me not to do it again.
Hi Kerri!
I feel your pain. Yesterday I was corrected by a 6 yr old when I said 'bonjour' instead of 'bonsoir' to her mom. Aie aie aie!
I'm loving y'all's blog. It's great to read about others experiences that we can related to.
A bientot!
Yep, it's definitely a faux-pas - proviseurs should always be vous-ed, no matter how comfortable you feel with them! :-)
I just found your blog through Jonathan and Kari's. I'm totally CRACKING up reading about your experiences. We've lived in Quebec for almost 7 years now and the fact that we can relate so well means that we haven't even still mastered much. I will be coming back!
Oops! Oh well, you wont make that mistake again. Have a great break.
I make that mistake ALL THE TIME! I don't think I will EVER get it down. I HATE using vous, I prefer tu.
Something I found quite interesting is in my French Bible when ones are speaking to God (Moses and Job, for example), it is the "tu" version that is used!!!
Cassoulet. My goodness, if tu is good enough for God it's got to be good enough for my proviseur!!
LOL, that was exactly what I was going to end my comment with..."if it's good enough for God, it is definitely good enough for everyone else." hahaha!
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