09 October 2007

Il est sang?

Faux pas numero 2:

Just for the record, the phrase Il est sang doesn't mean, Is he your son?

The other day at Patrick's soccer (football) practice, I was providing entertainment for Henner by allowing him to apply my bright, red lipstick to his own lips. The cutest little football player came running over looking at Henry quite intently and asked me in the most adorable way, "Il est sang" which I of course hear as "is he your son?" I feel so proud of myself for understanding French even though I interpreted in in English and I answer him quite matter of factly, "Oui, bien sur!" The boy now looks at me with concern and says a whole lot in French which I did not understand until I heard the word "tombe?" Okay wait, I know the word tomber, it means, to fall!!! Oh, I get it now. This precious little boy believes that Henner has suffered a nasty fall and has blood on his face (all because I answered "Oui, bien sur" to his emphatic question, "is it blood?")

Now begins my panicked attempt to convey to this concerned boy, the correct story. I rapidly begin pointing to my lips and using many lip gestures/smacks/puckers to convey to this little guy that what he is seeing is not blood but lipstick (maybe in retrospect I should have just showed him the lipstick I had in my pocket but again, I was panicked as is the case with all my faux pas'). The little boy is standing in front of me being patient with all my attempts to get the message across when out of the blue he nods his head as to agree to something he thinks I have said, steps closer and plants the biggest smooch on my lips then takes off running!!!! Ahhh, how cute was that for a faux pas. He thought I was asking for a peck, what with all my lip smackin and puckering I guess! C'est la vie!


Holly Woods said...


deedee said...

Another reason I love kids... they don't get hung up on misunderstandings :)

megan said...

I can't wait for the next faux pas! I remember those days well! Actually, I'm still living them :)
As to your comment on my blog, is the couple Justus and Samantha? If so, we work with the same organization!

Ken Broadhurst said...

"Il est sang" doesn't mean anything in French. If you want to say "is that blood?" you say "c'est du sang?" Maybe that's what the boy said. Lipstick is "rouge à lèvres".

Penny said...

These are great! I've made some beauties too :)

Anonymous said...

I bet that little guy thought you needed a big smooch. Henry probably wondered why Mommy was kissing another little boy!

Your faux pas(s) are keeping your life interesting.

Love the picture of the snow on the mountains!

Manue said...


