17 November 2010

Monday Lunch

WITH THE TWINS now at my school one would think we'd see a lot more of each other. But the reality is that I rarely see them. Because our schedules are so different and because the campus of the school is so vast, we seldom get more than a quick hello in the hallway or fleeting head-nod from across the courtyard.

Except on Mondays.

Each Monday Patrick and Julia meet me at the Salle des Profs and we go up to the local square for lunch. And it has quickly become one of my favorite times of the week. Monday is the only day that we share a lunch hour so we started taking advantage of it at the beginning of the year and it's now part of our weekly routine. We typically head up to the Petit Café for a quick sandwich or plat du jour, but this week we tried a little pizza place instead and shared a couple of 'pies' and some coke. The pizza place has a real 'high school' feel to it since the place is littered with lycée students from the school (most of whom I have in class) all eating and frantically studying -- and I think the twins kind of liked that atmosphere. With popular music filtering through the sound system there was almost a 'High School Musical' feel to the place. And who wouldn't like that.

I love the Monday lunches!

1 comment :

Hilary said...

What an awesome dad you are!! Sounds fantastic!