ONE OF THE 'complaints' we have about this part of France is that so many of the houses are safely tucked away from public view behind gates, shrubs, or even worse -- green plastic sheets hung-up along fences. In addition to making it particularly difficult to meet and chat with neighbors, this craving for privacy also means that very few houses are decorated for Christmas. One of the things we used to love about this time of year back in DC was that we could go for a drive in the evening and just look at all the lights and decorations in our neighborhood. Can't really do that here since most of the time you
can't even see the houses from the street.
This year we have noticed something: the local city governments seem to have ramped up their Christmas decorations. The town and villages are full of beautiful (and on occasion not-so-beautiful) lights and decorations. Is this new this year? I know that decorative lights and decorated round-a-bouts have always been a part of the region, it just seems that they are a lot more elaborate this year.
And we think that's a good thing.
Yes, I know. The photo is from Avignon -- about 2 hours away. It's the only one I could find really quickly. But it's the same sort of thing around these parts.
I think it depends. In our town it has always been a really big show.
My town goes all out and some of the grumpier locals complain about the wasted tax payer money. I like the lights though, I'll try and get some photos.
The daft thing is that all those big gates and fences do not improve security. They just give the burglars freedom to work their bad business, unseen from the street.
I think decorations are to help the suffering retailers in such an economy. This is first time I have seen sales before Christmas in France. Tonight Galleries Lafayette discounted entire store from 15-50 percent with a Miss France and G. Founteney to attract shoppers just 2 wks before XMas
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