27 August 2009

Free Reading Time

WE DID A lot of reading this summer -- something Kerri and both feel we haven't done in a long time. When I say reading, I mean un-directed, for-no-specific-purpose, whatever-we-want reading. One of the reasons we could do this is because the house where we stayed all summer is FULL OF BOOKS. (I put that in caps because just writing 'full of books' wouldn't explain adequately how many books there are). And great books, at that; of bit of everything. Even the kids had more books than they could handle. Patrick got through a couple Harry Potter books; Julia read a few of the Goosebumps books and a biography of Helen Keller; and Henry looked at some books about airplanes and animals. Just before our trip to Amsterdam we even found and English version of 'The Diary of Anne Frank' at a local shop -- so Kerri and kids read that too. We kept all the books we read in a pile so we could take a picture:

There are a couple missing, but most of them are there (although I wish I could get a better quality photo when I upload using blogger. Ideas?) We'll be hard pressed to keep-up our summer pace once school/work starts next week. But it was a lot of fun to get into the 'habit' of reading again.

1 comment :

مارية said...

You can get better photo quality by uploading to Flickr, and then linking directly to that photo with a little bit of HTML.