20 November 2007

Conseils de Classe Time

AT THE INTERNATIONAL school where I teach it is conseils de classe time, which means I have to get grades into the computer for all my students and write a short description of their progress during the first time. These reports are meant for students and parents. Putting in the grades is pretty straightforward, but writing the short progress report -- in French mind you -- is quite a challenge since they must be done in French and, as I have said here many times, I don't speak French very well yet. So I've asked a colleague for an English-to-French translations of some of the key phrases I might need for these reports -- phrases like: 'your child is progressing very well'; or 'your child needs to improve his/her written skills'; or 'it's quite possible your child is the most irritating person I have ever met.'

Since I have nearly 150 students (mostly in 3eme through Terminale) this is going to occupy a lot of my time in the coming days.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I dare you to write the last comment in one of the reports.

Katie Zeller said...

Good luck - I shudder to think what might be in the reports if I had to write them.....
Happy First Non-Thanksgiving!

deedee said...

ton enfant m'irrite bien plus que tous les autres...I am sure that's full of faults, but it might work for that last comment you want to make :)

Cassoulet Cafe said...

That is funny! LOL!