07 September 2007

First Few Weeks

ANY TIME YOU move the first couple of weeks are the most difficult, mainly because there are 50 million things that need to be accomplished. In our case, those 50 million things had to be accomplished in a country where we don't speak the language.

So we've been busy: opening bank accounts (what a nightmare in France!), looking for a car to buy (we have finally found one -- a Renault Senic 2.0), enrolling the kids in the local village school, settling the visa issues with the local Prefecteur in Nice (still working on that one), learning our way around, finding the best supermarkets, figuring out how to by regular milk (I think we were buying half-and-half for the first week -- no wonder the kids loved it), and a host of other things.

But we've managed. In fact, we've even been able to visit with friends and spend some time at the beach. You can see a video of our first week in France by clicking the videos button at the top of the page.